The college participated in the work exchange activities of pilot schools of first aid education in the Yangtze River Economic Belt

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2024-09-24

homenetFrom September 20 to 21, the 2024 Yangtze River Economic Belt First Aid education pilot school work exchange activity was held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province。The conference was guided by the Department of Physical Education, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, and hosted by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education and Zhejiang Provincial Red Cross Society。Nearly 200 people from the education departments of 11 provinces and cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt, representatives of first aid pilot schools and experts in the field of the country participated, Anhui Vocational and Technical College as a representative。

"The popularization of first aid knowledge has become a major contemporary and social issue of central concern, social concern and people's concern.。”Department of Physical Health and Art Education, Ministry of EducationDeputy directorYang Dayan said that the Ministry of Education will launch and further promote the pilot work of national school first aid education in 2021, and has selected two batches of 1,200 schools to carry out pilot first aid education, covering all types of schools at all levels, and steadily promote the popularization of school first aid education。In the three years since the pilot was carried out, all localities have integrated first-aid education into the overall situation of school education, innovated the ways and methods of education, stimulated the practical effectiveness of education, and condensed the joint efforts of first-aid education, and achieved remarkable results。

20日In the afternoon, the conference organized a trial school3Group discussion exchange, our hospital attended the first aid education correspondentThe first aid education in Anhui Vocational and Technical College was carried out and the experience gainedMake a statementCollege leaderHighly valued and allocated close1 million special emergency fund,Let the college own13 AED defibrillators have achieved full coverage on campus;Established the college's first first aid education baseRegular first-aid training for teachers and students, from scratch to build up the life and health of teachers and studentsNext step,我院Emphasis will be placed on promotionTeacher quality, improveTraining efficiency, exploring curriculum construction, out of the campus积极Service club meeting。

As a key part of first aid education, schools bear great social responsibilities。Anhui Vocational and Technical College, as the first batch of national first aid education pilot schools, will seize the opportunity of first aid education to further promote the development of first aid education, create a good campus first aid atmosphere, and help healthy China。(图文/ Wu Yanan)

Preliminary review: Xu Xingwang Editor: Ye Huiling Review: Zhang Ting

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